I love EarthBound, Weird Al and Garfield UNCONDITIONALLY!!!
< cool hat
Albuquerque, NM
Joined on 10/21/21
MetalSlayer69 2024-01-03 08:43:15
I found it, It comes from a manga adaptation of the game Earthbound.
There's some info on it here https://randomhoohaas.flyingomelette.com/ai/scans/shogaku.html
and here's the image https://www.newgrounds.com/dump/item/b2707a86e05a18d048858c9b8f0dc050
Rockoff 2024-01-03 08:43:15
I actually thought I wasn't gonna recieve an answer but thank you!
I found it, It comes from a manga adaptation of the game Earthbound.
There's some info on it here https://randomhoohaas.flyingomelette.com/ai/scans/shogaku.html
and here's the image
I actually thought I wasn't gonna recieve an answer but thank you!