Alright but why does it say "balls"
Alright but why does it say "balls"
I say socks
Wow. Just wow.
Why can't I use this in GD
It even has the tag "geometrydash"
Edit: oh, nevermind.
Guys, I've never played Castle crashers and I don't even know what it is, I just know this song is used in Geometry Dash's level 7.
I'm not saying it's bad, the sound at the end is a bit annoying
edit: no
edit ii: d
this song sounds so newgrounds
There are a lot of edgy animations made with this song combined with the blue version but the song itself, is a banger
I like this song a lot
I love EarthBound, Weird Al and Garfield UNCONDITIONALLY!!!
< cool hat
Albuquerque, NM
Joined on 10/21/21