I love EarthBound, Weird Al and Garfield UNCONDITIONALLY!!!

Laura @Rockoff

< cool hat

Albuquerque, NM

Joined on 10/21/21

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Rockoff's News

Posted by Rockoff - November 12th, 2022

I'm not sure, but I'm gonna tell why I feel like I have dementia.

I'm not paying much attention at school.

I feel sleepy most of the time.

I'm slowly forgetting to speak English.

My eyes are unfocusing on farther objects.

I'm doing things slowly.

I take a lot of time processing information.

Do I have it?

Posted by Rockoff - October 31st, 2022

The title just describes this story. Besides me being able to draw very well for my age, sleep how much time I want and not scream in rollercoasters, I can also cry on command.

Sometimes, when I create fake scenarios (normally with videogame characters (?)), I sometimes make sad scenes like, someone getting VERY sick, someone dies or those things, I can actually make my voice crack a little, make a convincent frown, make my throat feel tight (like when you're about to cry), inhale quickly and repeatedly after you take a short break from crying and make my eyes more wet than normal.

My skills are very impressive, and some are even funny (like this one) so you can hire me as your voice actress and let me talk in sad scenes (lol)!

Posted by Rockoff - October 28th, 2022

Yeah... That might sound absurd because it happ- what? i haven't even started the story? oh, my bad hehe...

So yesterday, the Spain women's handball team came to my school and we were obviously kinda surprised because, who could've expected that? And after a short question round (i was the first btw) they started to write autographs for everyone. I think you can already guess how this goes...

A guy (idk wich class he was from or what role he had at school) started handing out papers for everyone who perhaps wasn't prepared and didn't have a piece of paper by themselves. After everyone got their papers they started to quickly approach the members and ask them for autographs in big crowds, so, when i was getting close to one of the memebers, some big fat kids and a HUGE crowd pushed me so hard i fell on the ground and then i fell damping my fall with my butt.

After i fell, i silently cried and tried not to embarrass myself by trying to keep the tears in my eyes and i slowly stood up like absolutely nothing happened, but i actually felt a lot of pain in my butt.

At the end, i was luckily able to get my autograph, but it was knd of hard to go upstairs or even walk.

As i clarified at the beginning, all of this happened yesterday but, why do i clarify this again? well, mainly, because it still hurts and secondly, i had no idea who actually pushed me because they weren't even a classmate and i don't exactly remember if it was a boy or a girl or several people.

Man... I wish myself health for my poor bum :(

Posted by Rockoff - October 19th, 2022

so i just downloaded this funny game engine i found someone using right here on newgrounds and i clicked the platformer game template

my first ever game is going to be called valentina adventure and im posting it once im finished

valentina is a legend but she will only know it once i post my game

Posted by Rockoff - October 17th, 2022

Yes, you read the title well. School literally got my immune system to fail a lil bit and caught what I am now calling "the student virus".

Last Friday, I misbehaved at school. In English class, I did weird noises and I had to talk to the English teacher in break time while on the other hand, after finishing the science test we had for that day, she left us math homework (something I REALLY hate) so I brought it to the break time patio with me and I threw it on a garbage can. I also was scared to talk to my English teacher because it was awkward and I knew it from past times.

Yesterday, I kept begging my friends on the school group chat that I NEEDED a pic of the math homework, but I was being really annoying so nobody wanted to show me the math homework.

When it was getting late, I was getting VERY scared because I had to go to school today and I started to feel a dull pain in my throat because of how nervous I was to come today and that they'll leave me without break time. I am still feeling the pain in my throat and since it's already fall in Europe (maybe in more parts of the world but idk) it got mixed with flu.

Will this new student virus spread to my close ones? I am now mad at school for making me create a new virus and make me the first person in the world to catch it. All because of GOD DAMN MATH HOMEWORK!!!!

Posted by Rockoff - October 15th, 2022

hey guys so school has gotten me busy lately so i havent got time to post anything cuz im obviously a big girl n school's been givin me tons of homework so i dont have any time 4 using my pc cuz it also takes an eternity to boot up cuz its kinda old n dat was da only 1 we could afford

im really sorry its the school's fault

Posted by Rockoff - October 1st, 2022

Yesterday (30th September) it was my birthday. After we finished eating at the pizzeria, we went to the local fair (for my bday, of course...). So, after getting into the very few options of games we had available, my dad decided to play one of those games where you have to pop balloons with darts. First, we betted a Pichu plush, but we couldn't find it. Next, we betted some earphones (for my online studies), but we lost the bet. Lastly, we saw one of those tesla/plasma spheres, so we decided to get one. The woman at that game saw that we kept losing, so she decided to let us buy one thing. My dad wanted to get me binoculars, but instead I wanted a plasma sphere.

I took this pic when I opened it at home yesterday.




Posted by Rockoff - September 30th, 2022

Hey guys, guess what? Today's my birthday! I don't wanna say how old I turn though... Anyway, today I went to school with a Ziploc bag full of candy for everyone in my class and I also wore a birthday hat the whole "shift". I also told several teachers at break time that it was my birthday and I got a lot of congratulations. Kinda awkward when everyone in my class started singing happy birthday to me all at once...

Well, today, I'm going to eat dinner at a pizzeria with my mom dad and (I think) one of my dad's sisters. Tomorrow, (not sure at wich time), I'm going to an amusement park in Santa Pola (where I went for one of my school trips in 5th grade) and I guess that's all I know for now? Maybe today I'm buying clothes, but I don't know.


Posted by Rockoff - September 27th, 2022

i woke up this morning to eat breakfast and when i was gonna watch youtube on my tv (something i do every time i eat) it didnt let me watch. my mom said the internet fell but just a few minutes ago it started working again. i did my homework and then i immediately started watching tv youtube. sorry for not going online yesterday btw i was busy procrastinating lol.

Posted by Rockoff - September 25th, 2022


pls help

its my first time in months

theres a test on my birthday


i dont wanna